Monday, October 4, 2010

What is going on with me....

Wow..............has it really been a week since I have written? Time has been flying by. So I'll sum it up as quickly as I can, since I have papers to grade, paintings to paint and family to love.
I have read these books lately:
Sweet and innocent.  I needed this book's beauty at this time.
Found it on the library shelf - SCORE!!  Loving every minute of it, but savoring it too.

Gritty and compelling.

This man Myers can really write.

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so grateful that there is something to take the place of Grace, FNL, Sopranos, Judging Amy, Nurse Jackie...........FINALLY! Thank you TV Deities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The men and I went here for a grand night of fun and relaxation. We had a blast and really enjoyed each other's company and it was a well spent weekend.

Sweet Victory at LAST!!!  My Girlies won over SFSJ and it was wonderful.  Very proud and grateful to see them come together as one. Thank you God and all for making it possible.

great faith

Justin Bush with his next published novel.  I am so proud of him!
Joshua Cunningham, “Along the Line” oil painting
Winner of Poster Contest

Friday October 8, 6:00 until 10:00 pm Saturday October 9, noon until 8:00 pm
Sunday October 10, noon until 5:00 pm

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