Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day by Day and SPPL

We were hungry and we had to satisfy Mr. Joe.  A hard job that is, because he always likes the same old, same old.  I convinced him that the Day by Day would rock and we went in with a frown.  Not just a frown, but accompanied by tears and Mom's sediment of resentment that we can never go somewhere new without a lot of drama!  Ah well............... our meal rocked!

I had the ultimate homemade tomato basil soup. LOVED IT!!!  Joe had a great burger that restored his faith in new dining establishments. Nick had pancakes that were divine and Greg had corned beef on rye. Of course Greg's sandwich nearly killed him.  I so wished that  he would of had the best meal of us all.

The waiter did a great job, but I worry about his sweating so profusely.  Nice guy and very attentive. He even sprinted to get the missing syrup.  I was taken aback at the prices though.  It has changed from being an affordable place for the common man to go.  We were at lunch and that was 43.00 for the 4 of us including 3 sodas and a tip of 5 dollars
The mysterious eater who hates everything except Buffalo Wild Wings.  His mother cannot stand the thought of going there.  The reason is that they have their AC cranked at -40 and I once had to buy a sweatshirt at TJ Max to survive lunch.  The waitresses agree with me and they wear layers to survive the AC.  You would think they would crank the heat so people would drink.

My Sweet boy who doesn't care about eating places and pics. XXOO to you Nicko!

Love you lots!

My favorite library in the whole world!!!   Wonderful facility, resources and no one goes there who reads YA fiction! I took out the best books and cannot wait to sit and read tomorrow. Pure bliss.

I love the Landmark Center.  It is like having Cinderella's castle in St. Paul.  How enchanting.  It also reminds me of the times when downtown was a place to be respected and you thought it was a treat to go down there.  One dressed up and you were on your best behavior.  Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong decade and maybe I was reborn to this life to make a difference. Read Patricia Hample's book, The Florist's Daughter" and you'll be immersed in old St Paul.  I so enjoyed spotting people I knew.  She is also the Vis Alumni of the Year.  I know that is not the correct term and my Mother will cringe that I phrased that as so, but I cannot remember the banner.  Rock on Patricia.  We all from Vis, St Paul, Minnesota are SO proud of you! We can only aspire to what you've attained and be happy with all of your accomplishments.


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