Sunday, October 24, 2010

Alley Walk

I found out tonight that my friend's son passed away this weekend and so did a long ago friend last week.  One took his own life and the other I am not sure.  I would like everyone to stop when things get so bad and look at what God has given you.  Look at the beauty surrounding you amongst the sadness.  What God has made is always beautiful and what is bad, man created.  You can always find God's beauty and walk away from the bad. Nothing is that horrible that you cannot overcome.  Things will always get better.  My wise friend Yogi would always tell me that in our twenties.  It is SO ( I like capitalizing like Owen Meaney.  I should read that again and ya all should too if you haven't) true.  Time will pass and what seems insurmountable today will be nothing as time goes on. I know and I have been there. 

Life is wonderful.  Cherish the good, along with the bad. God will protect you and you will smile again.

Life is short, enjoy it while you're here.  As I tell my students, you could be hit by a bus and then it's all done with. So.....knock it off and grab the brass ring while it's in front of ya. Peace.

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