Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sometimes being a Mom and a Teacher is a Crap Ass Job

Just stating it as I see it.  You can be the best thing in the world one day and the worst the next.  Does any teacher/Momr ever wonder... that is what you get paid for? What do you do? And it is so far from teaching the curriculum that you think that what I am going to get my family in debt for...that teaching degree???????????????.  Does any Mom (I always capitalize Mom because it is a term of  royalty) realize what these sweet babies will utter out of their mouths one day?  I am so done with Mom things and teacher things.  No one else can take anymore from me tonight.  I understand nature and the whole thing about kicking the fledgling out of the nest.  Be gone young flapper , out of your mouth that hates all.  I wish they were all 2 and adored me.  This age SUCKS! All the experts say to be careful of the early years...I say watch out for the middle school CRAP!
I want my babies back.............  :  (

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