Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I am in the throes of this novel and it is spectacular!!!  I love the complexity of the characters and the way she weaves them together to make a tale that leaves you questioning one's own mothering skills.  Do you do the best you can or do you sacrifice your self for the benefit of your child? If you annihilate what makes you you and instead live through your children, is that what makes a perfect mom? Or do you become an empty shell that collapses once the child leaves?
What makes a child's life perfect? Or will the child always question the mother's parenting skills and ask what if you did this instead??????????????  .
A great read.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I'll have to put it on my list. I don't think I'm a book snob, I'll read anything. But sometimes I'm leary if it seems too contrived but I respect your opinion since your the Renaissance Girl! Kathy
