Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

Just got back from Duluth and I devoured this story of 3 sisters and their lives.  A great summer read that is hard to put down and makes 2 hours on Interstate 35 go by quickly.  I enjoy fiction that intertwines character's lives over decades.  Hannah carefully manipulates the readers affections and alliances to certain characters and then throws twist and turns in the plot to doubt those alliances.  A satisfying summer read.
Nick and I watched some more episodes of Bravo's Work of Art last night and we were happy that certain artists are off!  It was a little disconcerting watching and viewing certain works of art for their "Shocking" episode with a teenage boy.  He was very happy that John was given the boot for his disturbing work.
Here are the artists who are gone:
Amanda - She was first and she had a weak portrait, but nothing horrible.  I think it was more that she was just too bland.
Trong - I think he got railroaded!!!  Miles's smarmy remark didn't help him at all either.

Judith was kind of an elitist about her work and what she considered her ideas of what "Fine Artists" did and did not do.  She totally went against the outline of he project and deserved to be off.  You do not write a book title backwards when you are making a book cover to sell books for Penguin Books. Duh!!
About misspellings....Jaclyn misspelling Jane Austen's name on her book cover and John misspelling the title of his shocking work...not good.  Just looks really bad.
John is off and Jaclyn is safe for now, but won't win because all she does is take the same naked photos of herself over and over again.  Nice body, but it is not art.
Nao is what I despise in fine art and that is performance art that is made to just be as weird as possible.  Her work and rudeness just leave me cold.  Soooo glad she is gone!
Miles Mendenhall seems to be one to watch.  OCD boy with huge talent.  Could of won all the challenges if you asked me.  Very clever, quick and knows a variety of materials.  Liked that he read Frankenstein too in 4 hours.

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