Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Francesca Lia Block

Francesca Lia Block books really started me on my adoration of other worldly books such as House of Marked, Vampire Academy, Twilight, Vlad and all.
Block's urban fairy tales transport me to otherworldly places where I long to go and still hold on to the belief that I will still travel to. 

This tale of a changeling is sweet and disturbing, compelling and haunting. Her words bring the enchanting worlds into reality and make them a possibility.

The Weetzie Bat books are my favorites, but the ultimate is, "I was a teenage fairy" with Mab the fairy who is our guide through heartbreaking teen lives.  I remember reading that at Lake Johanna and crying because the character, Griffin was so beautiful, yet sad and broken.  Read them all and savor each one!

I always love to see what my fav authors look like.
She is so beautiful like Mab and Weetzie!!

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