Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Two Face - CUTIE!!

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My New Hero - Sarah Attar

She is the definition of courage and determination that I hope I can one day attain in my goals.

Friday, July 20, 2012

My Dream Room too!

Cute and Clever

Yummy! I will make these tomorrow...

Friday, July 13, 2012

State Fair Submission

It is a roll of the dice. Whatever!!! Take a chance and see what the wheel of fate has in store for ya! About 300 are picked and 1600 submit. Not good odds and it is all about opinions. Art is all about what one person thinks that their opinion is better than another. Their opinion matters more if they have more clout with money, power and prestige. It goes back to the beginnings of time... who rules and who has the bigger sword? Also, they might take me out for nudity! I say, "whatever" and will just give it a whirl and see what happens..

Wayans trash talks My Stevie Nash -REALLY????

If Junior was a Mom

Monday, June 25, 2012

Loving this book at the pool!

What an incredible series!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Books for the Summer so far..

James Lee Burke always reminds me of my Dad.They are/were so much the same. Always the same sort of a firm line of right and wrong. He loved his stories and so do I.  I found one I hadn't read before and I was SO happy. A stand-up thriller as usual.

I was kind of done with Janet and her peeps, but I took a year off and loved these two books.  They felt new and not so rote.
 William Kent Krueger is outstanding. I always wanted to read his works, since he hung out at the Broiler writing. That in itself is so cool! But they are great, great works. Kudos my MacGrove friend! Sorry I am so late to the bandwagon.

 Oh, the HBO series was one thing, but the books are even better of course! What a mind this man has! Do you ever just think, how have they tapped into these imaginations and written such epic tales? To be able to do this is fascinating to me. Not just a story, but a 5 book epic tale! And this Fire and Ice Series is not the only thing he has done.  Between him and JK Rowling, Tolkien, Baum, Barrie and P.L.Travers what wonders await in one's mind!!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Game of Thrones - AWESOME!!

 I just started Season One and WOW!  I love painting and watching.  It is some very wicked villains, heroic good guys, adorable kids and the greatest Dyad wolves ever!! I LOVE a good series in the summer.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sweet Sixteen! Thanks for the pics Auntie Kathy!

Awkward. | Ep. 1 | Pilot

Awkward. | Ep. 1 | Pilot: When a mysterious letter leads to a misunderstanding of epic proportions, Jenna realizes that her new stigma might be her ticket to social visibility. Series premieres Tuesday, July 19 at 11/10c.

Great funny show.  Perfect for the summer.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

20 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Saint Paul Art Crawl - a wet and wild weekend!

Art Crawl Dates

Spring 2012: Friday April 27, 6-10 PM; Saturday April 28, 12-8 PM; Sunday April 29, 12-5 PM
Fall 2012: Friday October 12, Saturday October 13, & Sunday October 14
Jim Sannerud, poster winner, "Birch Bowls"

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Going to the CHAMPIONSHIP!!!


7:00 El Rio Rec Center
Scheffer vs. ???? (probably Edgcumbe)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24th already????????

Hey all - Life is so busy! Boys have baseball and lacrosse, concerts and mid-tris. Choir and WHOS fill me with good friends and SPC is always challenging and never, ever dull! My true friends and I sneak in time on the weekends and that always brings great happiness and peace.
Track has started and we are doing 3-5 miles tues/thursdays. Volleyball we're in the playoffs tomorrow night.  My classes are in the final stretch and Art Crawl is this weekend.

Books I have read in times of procrastination or as Greg says, "pulling a Leahy" :
The Tale of Despereaux - DiCamillo is a master storyteller.
The Night Circus - I thought this was magical!! And made me remember true love.......

Short Stories:
A Rose for Emily - Faulkner  -GREAT! Wicked ending....
The Open Boat - Crane
The Fall of the House of Usher -Poe

 "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go."
— Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I loved this historical fiction work about my favorite statue!

Also read, Tiger Rising.  Sweet and nostalgic + tigers and dysfunctional kids with heart.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Back Again

Time does past quickly! I cannot believe I haven't posted since the 19th.  That was when I was on vacation of course : )

The best things I have read are:
"Babylon Revisited" by Fitzgerald.  I loved it.  Sad, nostalgic and sentimental.
"The Things They Carried" was also pretty cool.  Vietnam in the first person.
Margaret Atwood's, "Death By Landscape" was eerie and disturbing.

Loving Mad Men and seeing January Jones again.  Great story line.

Scheffer volleyball coaching and track starting next week.

Holy week at church and singing with the best choir.

Finishing off midterms at school - SO HARD!!!!

Getting ready for ART CRAWL at the AZ.........

Monday, March 19, 2012

Speak -Laurie Halse Anderson

I read the book and watched the movie.  I have to say the book won.  The movie wasn't bad, and it was true to the book for the most part.  It had a lot of stiff acting and characters that seemed like cookie cutter representations of types: the bad mom, the artist, the mean friend, etc..  The actors just seemed like they were going through the motions and Kristen....well, she doesn't have a lot of depth.
The book is powerful and a story for all young women to read.  It captures the pain and loneliness of rape.
It also gives hope to all women who go through this.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Spring Break - Things I did

I cleaned for my spring break.  100 years of mess coming out of that house.  It is hard to get rid of things that tie you to the past, but once you start, it does free your soul.
Get a dumpster.  $152 for a week and a good size one. Call  TUBS, Inc.

I saw great theater:
Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster boy
Tender, funny and sad.  An absolute joy.

Coco's Diary’s-diary
Funny and so endearing.  My Mom and I enjoyed it tremendously.  Even if you are not into old St Paul, you'll fall in love and laugh out loud!

The trials and tribulations of a 13-year-old girl never seem to change: sibling rivalry, boys, school dances, boys, homework, and… boys!
Young Clotilde “Coco” Irvine, is the daughter of a lumber baron living in a fashionable Summit Avenue mansion during the Jazz Age. For Christmas she is given a diary in which she faithfully chronicles the ups and downs of the roller coaster that is her thirteenth year of life, 1927. Coco’s Diary leads audiences on a winsome romp alongside our smart, adventurous, mischievous heroine surrounded by the beguiling music of the 1920s. It is charming, funny and delightful entertainment for the entire family.
Volleyball at Scheffer Rec
I am coaching again and it is fun! We won our first games against Hillcrest Rec.  I had a lot of fun and liked the girls a lot.  They are fun and optimistic about the team.  It should be fun.
Metamorphosis by Kafka
I was set to hate it, but I actually thought it was sad and endearing.
The Things They Carried Tim O'Brien
A Mac kid - brilliant writing! So spot on and dignified.
Margaret Atwood - I cannot remember the name of the story, but it is about a girl who dies at camp.  I liked it, but hated that there was not a satisfying ending.
Mary Higgins Clark - A Cry in the Night
You can read it in an hour and enjoy the mystery and excitement.  I love an author who knows a formula and can crank out a great story.  I didn't put down the book and that is a great sign!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Can't wait!!!

First Day of Vacation:  Cleaned the basement out with Bear's help.  Lots to throw out.  Maybe I will get a dumpster.  Ryan came and it was a blessing to have his muscles.

I went for a walk through the Summit mansions and then down the sneaky hidden staircases of the hill.  I walked the 35 trail with Bear to Auntie Mary's and stopped in for a chat.  It was Grandma's birthday and I wanted to see Mary and hear all about her trip.  Mary was great and beautiful.  She is so welcoming and warm. I heard stories and saw pics. She swam with the dolphins and snorkeled with the fish. I saw great pics of her holding hands with a dolphin!!!!  I SO want to do that. And bonus, I also got to see James.  A handsome nephew who I am so proud of!

I ran a couple of miles at the Y and my ankle didn't give out.  Hopefully it will stay strong and not start bothering me again.  I worry that all these breaks and tears will bother me in the future as they have in the past.  It was fun at the Y running again.


I wore some bad pregger clothes, but where is her Mom to say, 
"Do not leave the house no matter how entitled you thing y'all are."
Judy would of locked me up

GCB!  I love Annie Potts's character, Gigi.
  • "Cut the commie crap. My grandchildren are going to church so they can go to heaven. End of story. Amen." - Gigi Stopper
Next Quote

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb

Historical fiction with a twist!!!! What an exciting premise to find an obscure famous person and embed romance, danger, and intrigue.  CLEVER - I love a good story with the truth tucked in now and then.
Melanie Benjamin did it first with Alice in Wonderland and did it better with Lavinia.
BRAVO!  It made me spend an hour researching every photo I could, and haunts my dreams every night.  What a powerful and brave woman. I am so glad to have known her.
“Never would I allow my size to define me. Instead, I would define it.  
XXOO to you Mrs. Tom Thumb!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I am in a Truman Fixation

After reading To Kill a Mockingbird, by Capote's neighbor and friend Harper Lee, I craved more southern lit.  Then, in my lit theory(bore the living daylights out of me and kill a story class) I was bored and was perusing my class text and read Miriam, by Capote. CREEPY!!!!  I copied it for the 8th grade and they liked it.  We watched a short film based on it and they liked that even more.  They are so visual.
So then I had to read and read....
Breakfast at Tiffany's - better than the film!!! Grittier and Holly is painted in a different light all together

Then it was on to more...

I like his southern and Gothic themed eeriness to all his stories.  He was a master of the short story.

Read him.  He was an odd soul, but a talented one indeed.

Cool Student Video

We just finished reading, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie.
Such a honest, funny book. I read it out loud because I had to censor the language, but the greatness came through still. I love the graphics too.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lovin' the Commitments

Jimmy Rabbitte: Do you not get it, lads? The Irish are the blacks of Europe. And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once, say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud.
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Dean Fay: I'm black and I'm proud.
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Jimmy Rabbitte: Elvis is not soul.
Jimmy Rabbitte, Sr.: [defensively] Elvis is God.
Jimmy Rabbitte: I never pictured God with a fat gut and corset singing "My Way" at Caesar's Palace.
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The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore (2011)

Uploaded by  on Jan 24, 2012
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore (2011)