Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Spring Break - Things I did

I cleaned for my spring break.  100 years of mess coming out of that house.  It is hard to get rid of things that tie you to the past, but once you start, it does free your soul.
Get a dumpster.  $152 for a week and a good size one. Call  TUBS, Inc.

I saw great theater:
Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster boy
Tender, funny and sad.  An absolute joy.

Coco's Diary’s-diary
Funny and so endearing.  My Mom and I enjoyed it tremendously.  Even if you are not into old St Paul, you'll fall in love and laugh out loud!

The trials and tribulations of a 13-year-old girl never seem to change: sibling rivalry, boys, school dances, boys, homework, and… boys!
Young Clotilde “Coco” Irvine, is the daughter of a lumber baron living in a fashionable Summit Avenue mansion during the Jazz Age. For Christmas she is given a diary in which she faithfully chronicles the ups and downs of the roller coaster that is her thirteenth year of life, 1927. Coco’s Diary leads audiences on a winsome romp alongside our smart, adventurous, mischievous heroine surrounded by the beguiling music of the 1920s. It is charming, funny and delightful entertainment for the entire family.
Volleyball at Scheffer Rec
I am coaching again and it is fun! We won our first games against Hillcrest Rec.  I had a lot of fun and liked the girls a lot.  They are fun and optimistic about the team.  It should be fun.
Metamorphosis by Kafka
I was set to hate it, but I actually thought it was sad and endearing.
The Things They Carried Tim O'Brien
A Mac kid - brilliant writing! So spot on and dignified.
Margaret Atwood - I cannot remember the name of the story, but it is about a girl who dies at camp.  I liked it, but hated that there was not a satisfying ending.
Mary Higgins Clark - A Cry in the Night
You can read it in an hour and enjoy the mystery and excitement.  I love an author who knows a formula and can crank out a great story.  I didn't put down the book and that is a great sign!

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