Thursday, March 8, 2012

I am in a Truman Fixation

After reading To Kill a Mockingbird, by Capote's neighbor and friend Harper Lee, I craved more southern lit.  Then, in my lit theory(bore the living daylights out of me and kill a story class) I was bored and was perusing my class text and read Miriam, by Capote. CREEPY!!!!  I copied it for the 8th grade and they liked it.  We watched a short film based on it and they liked that even more.  They are so visual.
So then I had to read and read....
Breakfast at Tiffany's - better than the film!!! Grittier and Holly is painted in a different light all together

Then it was on to more...

I like his southern and Gothic themed eeriness to all his stories.  He was a master of the short story.

Read him.  He was an odd soul, but a talented one indeed.

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