Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Poems - exercises from class

The first line of the poem is used as the first letter of each line of the poem:
Mother to Son
Sing the paean of mothers to my son
Incite the strength and sorrow of matriarchal warriors long ago
Nuances that spill clever from your mouth son, mean nothing to me
Gestate the idea that I will triumph your fantasies and you will lose to the ignorance of wisdom

Together we will unite after this battle of misdeeds
Help this boy that fears my love and challenges it
Eloquence awaits him, after he chooses not to succumb to the trash of the city's adjectives

Prejudices of the young against the ripened seem insurmountable
Alienating mother from son once again
Exacting all feelings from seething hate, to serendipitous worship
All is forgiven once the time has passed, the allegiance solidified again
Negotiating our territories until the next crusade

Or is he just a boy that doesn't realize how easy cruel is?
Forget the searing sarcasm that came from my DNA, that would never be tolerated.

Maybe my dad wouldn’t be so cruel, but I disagree.
Or how about my mother run amuck?
The gene that gives us our loquacity
has bred in us a virus, that sometimes seems overreaching,
ever seeking the potential victim.
Random you think? Not really
So ready to strike first, to protect our own.

To all my offspring, be ready.
Origins of my faults are ready on display, I do not choose them for you.

Maybe you can pretend you are the neighbor's child
You are too beautiful to deny our genes and it will be unearthed.

Someday, you’ll realize that you're better then the rest,
only then the good in you will reign, mistakes will be forgotten
Never forget you are my son, my glory on this earth.

Look at what you’ve become!
Look at what you’ve become!
Outgoing young thing, you have no fear
Outrageous slang spews from your lips
Kicking lesser foes to the ground

Admiring boys strut on by, whistle and coo
Tenaciously touching you with their eyes

When did this transformation occur?
Hidden for years by youthful bliss
Awareness of your power slowly begins
To rise and tantalize those around

Young women beg for your attention
Only you choose who rises
Useless drones fall to the wayside
Voices call, but you ignore
Encouraging their worship of you

Bewitching siren whose power
Electrifies and ignites
Come and show the world what you have become
Outlandish and wild one day
Moral and melancholy the next
Enjoy all that you will become

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