Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mary - God chose well.

Were you scared when God spoke to you?
Did you about faint when he said you were going to be pregnant with his son?
Oh, wow!  I would have freaked!
What were you going to tell everyone?
Were people mean?
It seems like it would have been horrible, but you were so brave.
I always think, what if you had said, no.

Joseph seemed like a nice guy, but he was old and a stranger too.
That must have been weird to have God pick your husband.
You don't know anything and then, WHAM! BAM!
An instant marriage for you, my dear.
You didn't even get to fall in love.
I always think, what if you had said, no.

The biggest thing that would have made me back out
of the whole deal,
is knowing Jesus would have had to die to save everyone.
Would I give my son up to be slaughtered?
I don't know if I could do that.
I love my sons.
I will protect them, hide them, and die for them.
I know you felt the same way.
You must have had faith stronger then anything I could ever imagine.
I always think, what if you had said, no.

There would be nothing.
No Jesus and his life, death, and resurrection.
We would not be saved.
There would be only darkness and evil.
You were one in a million.
God chose well.
Mary, thanks for not saying, no.

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