Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Middle School Ride

Middle School is the purgatory
carnival that you dwell in
before you become a teenager.

Kids jump on it's roller coaster ride,
hoping it will be the coolest trip of the lives.
It can be a nightmare in which the car you're riding in
suddenly flings itself off the rails and hurtles you to
the ground.
Don't buy that ticket too soon.

Girls in middle school say, “I want”.
I want to wear make-up.
I want to go to dances.
I want to date.
I want to be beautiful.
I want him to call.
God, please make him call.

Boys in middle school say, “I don't”.
I don't want to ask a girl out.
I don't want to do homework.
I don't want to clean my room.
I don't want to kiss you good-bye Mom.
I'll just grunt and walk away.

Should they jump on that ride?
There really is no choice, but be leery how fast you travel.
Buckle up and strap yourself in.
Follow the rules and you'll
be safe.
You might even have a great time
over some hills and turns.
Or barf.

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