Thursday, June 23, 2011

CSA - Community Supported Art - Pick - Up at AZ Gallery What a PARTY!

What a great night at the AZ!
Grilling on the Patio, Music by the Roe Family, Great Artists, Great Patrons and sales for all!
Here is some background about the whole CSA project from Springboard.

What is Community Supported Art? Over the last 20 years, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has become a popular way for consumers to buy seasonal food directly from local farms. With the same buy-local spirit in mind, and Springboard for the Arts are joining forces once again for a similar endeavor to support local art, artists and collectors. Last week the project assembled a panel of local food and culture tastemakers including artist Amy Rice, photographer Becca Dilley (The Heavy Table), and J.D. Fratzke (The Strip Club). The panel reviewed over 140 artist applications and selected the nine CSA artists, working in a wide range of disciplines: installation artist Liz Miller, printmaker Drew Peterson, furniture maker and woodworker Scott McGlasson, fashion designer Danielle Everine, fabric artist Nou Ka Yang, photographer Areca Roe, ceramic artist Peter Jadoonath, painter Dana M. Johnson, and visual artist Luke Aleckson.

The selected artists will receive a commission to create 50 shares for the program. Interested collectors will purchase a share from Springboard for the Arts and in return receive 3 boxes of locally produced artwork over the course of the summer. Each artist's work is specially created for the CSA program. One share could include work in any number of media, from a limited edition print or painting to a sculptural object or functional ceramic. Each member share will include one piece from each of the 9 CSA featured artists over the summer, and will also include a "bumper crop" of additional artwork, coupons, or tickets. The pick-up evenings will be at local art sites in June, July and August, and will feature musical performances, readings and food. The pick-up events are also when shareholders will have an opportunity to meet the CSA artists in person.

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