Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ape House - READ IT! And it can be done in a day.....

Thank you Kathy, book lover extraordinaire!

I have thought about this book for a couple of days now. I look into my Bear's eyes and see thoughts, emotions and empathy. I think one day we will all be accountable for what should be so easily understood.We are all too busy to listen and it could be our downfall.

Ron Charles's review points out what the novel lacks, but it fails to realise what the the novel inspires. His points are valid, but there are also many nuances he fails to ponder.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you'd appreciate it. We knew we could talk to our animal friends! I've always been facinated by this subject since I read about KoKo years ago. It would be fun to see.
