Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sizzling Sixteen

I was still feeling so horrendous after watching Grace, from Saving Grace get blown up last night - didn't see that really happening.  Wow, what a finale.  I was so sad to see the remaining characters standing there and having to go on without her in their lives.  It was really hard to watch.  I hope they all win tons of Emmys for their work.

So feeling empty and depressed, who calls but my awesome friend Deb!  She said she has been to Target and has the new Janet Evanovich!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy again!!!!  Deb is a friend who always knows how to make me happy and just does tons of nice things just because she can.  She is my own angel and we all need one.  I am blessed to have her in my life.

So onto Joe Morelli, Lulu, Ranger, Grandma and Stephanie.................YEAH!!!!

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