Wednesday, June 16, 2010

5th book - Thirsty

I was excited after reading the back of the book thinking  it would be a lot like Vladimer Todd Chronicles....WRONG.  It had engaging, smarmy teen dialog that was actually very quick and funny, but I could see the plot unraveling the whole time.  I knew exactly what was going to happen to the main character and I didn't happen to like him much, so I didn't care. In fact, if his throat got ripped apart by a vampire, CIE LA VIE.  I need to care about my main characters.

I have heard great things about this author and hoped for more. I read, Octavian Nothing and thought it was extremely well written, but I kept reading thinking that I would understand more. It left me empty and upset. I will try his other books in hopes of more.  I like his dialogue exchanges and hope his characters become more likable.

I think what I don't like with his books is the thought and feeling that a series is planned and that is what I get off of all his books,  I think good series books can supplement a book, but have to be an entire entity on it's own.  They must hold their own, not have to depend on another book. 

I listened to M.T. when he sat a panel at Metro State University.  He is very intelligent, witty and comfortable with his stature in life. What I, and the others around me got from him was that he was more impressed with another female author and impressing her, than his audience.  I don't like when authors are impressed with their intelligence.  As readers, we already are and acknowledge that with our presence at their discussions. We don't need to be dismissed as trivial, not up to their par or party to their intellectual dalliances. 

I hope to one day be entertained by a story of Mr. Anderson's and not just awed by his command of the written word.

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