Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nurse Jackie

I am finally getting into Nurse Jackie.  Liz Brixius, who I went to Vis with and helped me a lot in art and and Vis life, wrote and produced it.  She was always an absolutely over the top genius at art and writing.  I always admired her tremendously.  When I was moving I came across a print that she had made at St Kate's.  It is a cool pastel print of a pack of Marlboroughs.  We smoked a ton of them in Studio Arts and she knew how much I would love it and I do!

So, I get it because of Liz and started watching. The show didn't really grab me at first.  I thought it was trying to be so edgy and hard driving.  After 9 episodes I can say that I am fond of Jackie and am starting to care about her and her misfits at the hospital.  I am still confused as to why she would have an affair when she has a gorgeous loving husband at home.  The pharmacist is nothing to write home about, unless she just wants the drugs.

I don't have Showtime, so I watch it from Netflix.  I have to order the new boxes from Comcast, so I am sure my bill will increase into some astronomical number.  My Dad would be appalled that I pay so much for TV!

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