Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Great and Fun Opening!!

Beautiful chemists creating make up and perfumes!!  How cool is that!   Wicked fun music and art combined to make a fantastic night. Addition of some great fun friends and it was magical!
Feb 10-26, 2012
A group exhibit of local women artists in a variety of mediums.  
Minnesota winter: long, dark, and cold.  And possibly the reason we have such a thriving arts community! In the dead of winter, we nurture the creativity, fortitude and escapism necessary to survive.  The result? An unstoppable creative energy that guides us through the seasons.

Exhibit Dates:  2/10-26  (3 weekends, Fri-Sun)
Artists Reception/Shopping Event: Saturday, February 11, 2012  5-10 pm  

Featuring a finely-curated selection of locally-made art, jewelry, beauty and home products, baked goods.   There will be food, wine, and gift ideas for your valentinePlus: Our very own signature handcrafted beer from Vine Park Brewery, made especially for our show! 

And vinyl spinning by Minneapolitan DJ Mo, bringing her eclectic blend of dreamy vintage pop to the gallery.

Perfect timing for a bit of Valentine’s Day shopping (hint-hint) and winter escapism!   

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