Friday, July 1, 2011

Rainbows and Such

I think sometimes I get very self centered and don't see the whole picture. I want everyone to be happy and fail to see that some people are and will alwys be very competitive. That wears on me and I tend to react with my irish temper and say things that I regret. I know I have to work on forgiveness and empathy. Sometimes though...I think WTF is wrong with you. Sorry, but I am working on it all.

So I look for rainbows and as I tell my kids, spread the love. They think I am crazy talking to people (customer service people, that I believe deserve your WHOLE attention) and getting to know them so well that we can walk in to any store around St Paul and have people yell out my name.  I like that.  That is St Paul to me. I would never, ever trade that for anything.  I adore people, all sorts, and that makes life wonderful to me.

This is a rainbow after Friday's storms.  You have to look really hard to see it, but if you get there and spot it, it is worth it.

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