Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sometimes life is hard and just has to show us what true courage is.....

From my friend's Caring Bridge site after recieving an outcome of six months left.....

We will try to do two things in all of this: 1) Live one day at a time and make these decisions as we can and need to; and 2) Savor every day. What we have is a whole lot of beautiful yesterdays and memories; we are so grateful for them. We also have some tomorrows to savor and enjoy! I am not dying today! I have plenty enough energy to embrace the goodness of every day that I am blessed with. And we have right now, this day: a time for tears and hugs, a time for hope and faith, a time for gratitude and, yes, even laughter. A time for love. That's what we have; that's what we all have, always.

Loving God, Spirit of God, Spirit of Jesus, Spirit of Love, I am afraid, of course. I didn't want to hear the message of yesterday. I feel not ready; we feel not "done." Give us wisdom as we make decisions. In all things give me, give us, hope and faith. And of course give us love -- the ability to receive it, from you and from others, and the ability to share it. Mostly, give us yourself. Breathe in us your life, your love.

Love to all,
Pray for Elizabeth and Patrick and Patty.

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