Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day with Mom

Our day began downtown Minneapolis at 9 am, thinking that the stores would be open, but no.  Things don't start until 10 am, so we went to the Crystal Court and had coffee and breakfast. We met a nice woman in town from Southern Minnesota and gave her 2 comp tickets to Titian at the MIA.  She had no idea what to do in our fair city, so we had to show her at least one cool happening. Oh, we also sent her on to Macy's Flower Show which we were waiting for the doors to open.
We arrived promptly at 9 and so did every senior garden club tour. It was spectacular and so fragrant!  Color, color, color!!! Made my fingers itch for the dirt in my backyard.  The crowds were pushing, so we headed downstairs to look around. We perused and found nothing that needed a home, so we went to the Skyline Room to eat and had a wonderful salad bar. I saw my friend Rose from softball and she was fun to bump into off the field.
After lunch we headed to Titian at the MIA. It was beautiful out and getting more spring like all the time. The museum was busy with children, but quiet at Titian. I had seen it before on a Saturday, so this was much better. We rented audio units and I really loved the self guided tour. I love the stories hidden in the paintings. Lots of weird death and love gone awry.
We stopped at MCAD art store and got some paint and then headed home. It was a wonderful day with just my Mom and I and I loved every moment!

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