Sunday, November 14, 2010

St Peter Claver Craft Sale - RanHam

 We painted beautiful gourds for the craft boutique this year and it was fun to be included again.
the kids loved painting them and finding the hidden gem in each one.  They were selling well when I had stopped in.  The SPC Quilters are a great bunch of caring, generous ladies.
I spy a flamingo, snake and a lizard.
A giraffe peeks out.

Tony's beautiful lizard.

Kalyans' swan, Blessing's swan, Hnrianna's flamingo.

Maia's graphic art, Cruz's penguin and Luther's apple.

Octavia's beautiful blue art.

Junie loving her boutique gift from Joe.  She LOVES her Java cat mat!

Old style lanes

Old fashion scoring

Bowling fun with the family. RanHam needs to tweak the equipment, but they have customer service down!

Lots of fun to be back in the basement.

Not very focused, but still cutie!

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