Sunday, December 11, 2011

AZ Lowertown Art Show

I won the Wet Paint Purchase award!  I was so honored that the owner chose my painting.  Sometimes you need validation in our life and I needed it.  I was questioning continuing my membership.  It is really hard to juggle being a Mom, teaching, going to grad school, choir, WOHS leadership, and athletics at Claver. I am tired, but we got to keep it all going on.  Art is funny.  It is really just people's opinions on what they like and don't.  You can have great training and technique, but when it comes to shows and voting, it is all about what they like.  Luck and Karma come into play.  Be a good person and you will be rewarded some day.
Peace to all, Amy
It was great to have someone like your art who doesn't know you.  It means that your art gives pleasure to someone else and that is my big thing. After the show, I felt that I should continue on as an artist and I will. I will juggle my kids, teaching, schooling, and all to make it work.  Buck up or something to that effect would be my Dad's response.  We all know what my Dad would of said... : )

The reception was great and My Sister Kathy and Brother Gary won great door prizes - $25 to Golden's Deli and 2 tickets to the Landmark Theater.  Greg won a bottle of wine.

Good Book alert:
I loved that it connects the The Vladimer Todd series within the storyline.


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