Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lowertown Art Show
1st Annual Lowertown Art Show
December 2-January 15

The AZ Gallery and Black Dog Cafe are proud to jointly present the First Annual Lowertown Art Show, a juried show designed to showcase the work of Artists who live and work in the lowertown neighborhood and downtown of Saint Paul, MN.

SHOW LOCATIONS: AZ Gallery, 308 Prince Street, #130, St. Paul, MN 55101 & Black Dog Café, 308 Prince Street, #100, St. Paul, MN 55101

December 2, 2011: 5-10 pm Show Opens/First Fridays in Lowertown
December 10, 2011: 7-10 pm Awards Reception – Prizes generously donated by our sponsors
January 15, 2012: Show Closes


Friday, November 11, 2011

Heather Brewer Post on Bullying and then Michigan????????

I love Vladimer Todd books and Heather has the greatest mind as an author and a young adult mentor.  I wish I could do what she does so well.  She is a mastermind. 

Michigan and Penn State- WHAT is wrong with y'all.  As a mother, teacher and a human being...WHAT is wrong with you????????

Haikus and bullies and changes, oh my!
Look at that, Minions – I hadn’t been blogging regularly and now, you’re getting PUMMELED with my blogginess. Sick of me yet? I hope not. I do know, however, that many of you are sick of not being able to comment on my blog. There is, apparently, a bug that’s in need of fixing, so I’m sicking my web guru on the issue ASAP. Also, I’ll send along a list of awesome changes to the site. The forum is getting totally revamped, and the FAQ (plus several other parts of my site) are getting updated. I feel like I’ve been living under a rock, but now it’s time to do something about this mess. Somebody grab a broom, forcryingoutloud! And by “somebody”, I of course mean ME.
So, there are two reasons that I had to blog today. One is because we have winners to my latest contest! Jacob Coates, who’s thirteen and from Washington, is the grand prize winner of my haiku contest. He won an XBox360, with a skin that looks like the cover of FIRST KILL! And he did it with this fangtastic haiku tribute to Vlad:

tendancy to kill
tries his best to control it
on a strict diet

Looooove it! Plus, our two first place winners (Aubrey Peel – 16, from Florida, and Kayla Rupper – 16, from Utah) each win an autographed copy of FIRST KILL. Out of almost 400 entries, it wasn’t an easy pick, so congrats to the winners! If you have any ideas for future contests, just drop me a line. I’m always curious what the Minion Horde wants to win and how they want to win it.
Now…THIS. As a home-state Michigander, I am outraged, sickened, and disgusted. Spread the word, Minions. Because we can change the future, but we have to rally together in order to do so. Bullying has to STOP.
P.S. I love each and every one of you. *squish*

Now…THIS. As a home-state Michigander, I am outraged, sickened, and disgusted. Spread the word, Minions. Because we can change the future, but we have to rally together in order to do so. Bullying has to STOP.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

KOKO! I love Koko and that would be my dream job

It has been quite the week for 'Harry Potter' fans. Monday was not only the 30th anniversary of the death of Harry's (fictional) parents, but also when author J.K. Rowling revealed that she almost killed Ron Weasley before having a change of heart. That blood-lust almost extended to Rubeus Hagrid as well. Say it ain't so, J.K.!

It's so. In an interview on the Blu-ray release of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2' with star Daniel Radcliffe, Rowling explains that she liked the idea of Hagrid carrying Harry at the beginning and end of the story, a bookend that kept the gentle giant "safe." Per Rowling, your favorite bearded gameskeeper was a "natural" option to be slain otherwise. Yikes!

On the flip side, Rowling was going to keep Remus Lupin alive, but realized that during a great war, atrocities like new parents getting killed is often reality. As such, Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks were casualties in the Battle of Hogwarts. Hashtag: tears.

[via EW]

[Photo: Warner Bros.]

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Saturday, November 5, 2011