Wednesday, December 29, 2010

De LaSalle Tournament

What a great school De LaSalle is!  I would love to live on that island too.
Cretin won 2 out of 3.  I love North East Mpls!

Cool Kitties at the Antique Shop on Central Avenue

They loved showing Greg the store and followed us everywhere.

The brown tipped would stand on his back legs and beg to be scratched.
Lovely kitties and cool store.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

True Grit - AWESOME, but watch the editing

True Grit Poster

Hailee Steinfeld
She is nothing short of Oscar worthy!
Why the hell is her name not on that marquee???????????????

Mattie Ross: Now I know you can drink whiskey and I saw you kill a rat, but all the rest has been talk. I'm not paying for talk. I can get all the talk I need at the Monarch Boarding House.

Rooster Cogburn: I ought to paddle your rump!

Mattie Ross: I don't know how you propose to do that from that hog wallow you're sunk into. If I smelled as bad as you I wouldn't live near people.

Rich Boy -Sharon Pomerantz

Great sweeping epic.  A little disappointed at the ending, but I am generally always disappointed by men and their failure to think with their reproductive organs and not their brains. Alas, that is probably because of the lack of testosterone in my upbringing, so hence, my failure to understand it all.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Heifer International- SO COOL AND SO WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     GIVE TO THEM!!! A FLOCK OF DUCKS IS JUST $20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BETTER THAN SOAP OR A CANDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


A bad or a good teacher

A bad teacher is negatively pessimistic

A good teacher is positively optimistic

A bad teacher swears all the time

A good teacher cares in their prime

A bad teacher passes on rude fear

A good teacher has on good ears

A bad teacher discourages

A good teacher encourages

A bad teacher despairs

A good teacher prepares

A bad teacher likes to bitch

A good teacher likes to teach

A bad teacher shouts every moment

A good teacher scouts for every talent

A bad teacher is up for crude devices

A good teacher is up for good advice

A bad teacher lets students fight on in the dark

A good teacher sets students on the right track

A bad teacher feeds on their looks

A good teachers reads many books

A bad teacher sings along with wrong faults

A good teacher brings along the right results

Copyright 2006 - Sylvia Chidi

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Great Reads - AWESOME!!!

Heaven Cover

I LOVED reading this with the seventh grade.  A sweet, moving story that is concise and compelling.

Sorta Like a Rock Star
Sometimes you just need someone like Amber Appleton!