Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Summer Tips from Veronica - Great advice!

Summer Safety Tips!

Posted by Veronica-Pooh Nash Poleate on Sunday, June 28, 2015

Monday, July 6, 2015


I read this book yesterday and I have to think about this whole book for awhile. It was extremely readable, but nothing really happens. I kept waiting for a big moment, but was surprised there was nothing more. I was surprised by the language and random, graphic crass talk. it is that age he is portraying, but I think it is excessive and inappropriate. I have heard worse and seen worse, but I think it is unnecessary. A good writer doesn't have to have to rely on vulgarity to create a story for young adults to read. 
I think it is a fair portrayal of what happens when you experience death at that age. I did when my friend died, and it is what it is - hard. It did win a ton of awards, but it still has a lot of profanity in it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tuesday Afternoon

I rode my bike to Minnehaha Falls and then jumped on the Trail. I wanted to go to Wild Rumpus Books in Linden Hills. I went around Harriet and thought I needed to get to Calhoun, but oops too far. So, I rode around Calhoun, which was beautiful! I then went back to Harriet and around till 43rd street. I had to go up a big hill, but found my beloved store!! I locked up my bike and wandered around the shops and eventually went into Rumpus. www.wildrumpusbooks.com
In the store, my favorite chicken was dozing on the armchair next to a cat. A second cat was sitting in a basket by the register. I went over to the YA section and found the other lil' chicken. I found a 1/2 price book, "The Best Night of your (pathetic) Life", which I always wanted to read, and got it to read on the beach of Lake Nakomis after swimming.
Well, I got back on my bike and went a few blocks and realized that my tire was really low. I stopped and asked a man where the nearest gas station was and he gave me directions. Well, it was about a mile, but I found an auto repair shop at 1/2 the distance and he filled the tire and they were super friendly. I started heading back and I knew it was going flat again! I made it to Lake Harriet's South Beach and called D. I swam and read until he came, and he was my knight and rescued me. Avery awesome afternoon!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Two Face - CUTIE!!

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My New Hero - Sarah Attar

She is the definition of courage and determination that I hope I can one day attain in my goals.